Poster of Vivaldi Unmasked

Vivaldi Unmasked

Plot: In an enchanting expedition filled with musical marvels, Charles Hazlewood sets foot in the timeless city of Venice, embarking on a captivating journey to unveil the intricate tapestry of composer Antonio Vivaldi’s extraordinary life story. Immersing himself in the vibrant ambiance that inspired Vivaldi’s timeless compositions, Charles delves deep into the heart of Venice, where every cobblestone whispers the echoes of a bygone era
Release Date: Wednesday, July 17 2002
22 years ago
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Portrait of Charles HazlewoodCharles Hazlewood
Charles Hazlewood was
>> in Vivaldi Unmasked
as 'Conductor & Presenter'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Jill MarshallJill Marshall
Jill Marshall was
>> in Vivaldi Unmasked
as 'Director, Producer'
Unknown Birthday