Poster of The Milkman: Vengeance

The Milkman: Vengeance

Plot: After witnessing the murder of his beloved Grandfather, during his childhood, a Special Operations veteran with a tick enacts his retributive justice against the destructive element of the city and those in power who look the other way.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Cross ThompsonCross Thompson
Cross Thompson may be
>> in The Milkman: Vengeance
as 'Kahn'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chanel CollinsChanel Collins
Chanel Collins may be
>> in The Milkman: Vengeance
as 'Sandy'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Vernon Williams IIIVernon Williams III
Vernon Williams III may be
>> in The Milkman: Vengeance
as 'Producer, Director'
Unknown Birthday