Poster of Brave New River

Brave New River

Plot: Brave New River (directed by Nicolas Renaud) is a feature documentary exploring the paradoxes of our control over nature, the meeting between two worlds and the dilemmas of those taking part in the transformation of the land.
Release Date: Thursday, May 2 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Nicolas RenaudNicolas Renaud
Nicolas Renaud was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Director, Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isabelle GrégoireIsabelle Grégoire
Isabelle Grégoire was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Simon ChartierJean-Simon Chartier
Jean-Simon Chartier was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve RiouxSteve Rioux
Steve Rioux was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carlos FerrandCarlos Ferrand
Carlos Ferrand was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kyle StanfieldKyle Stanfield
Kyle Stanfield was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Philippe St-GelaisPhilippe St-Gelais
Philippe St-Gelais was
>> in Brave New River
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday