Poster of Sparks


Plot: In this deliciously tart adaptation of a short story by Elmore Leonard, a beautiful young widow’s hilltop mansion has just burned to the ground, and a very savvy insurance investigator (Stoltz) shows up at her home to interview her about the blaze. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (“3rd Rock from the Sun”) makes a dazzling directorial debut with this taut cat-and-mouse game played out by two equal adversaries
Release Date: Friday, January 16 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Carla GuginoCarla Gugino
Carla Gugino was
37 in Sparks
as 'Robin'.
Sun, Aug 29 1971
Portrait of Eric StoltzEric Stoltz
Eric Stoltz was
47 in Sparks
as 'Joseph'.
Sat, Sep 30 1961
Portrait of Xander BerkeleyXander Berkeley
Xander Berkeley was
53 in Sparks
as 'Sid Harris'.
Fri, Dec 16 1955


Portrait of Joseph Gordon-LevittJoseph Gordon-Levitt
Joseph Gordon-Levitt was
27 in Sparks
as 'Director'
Tue, Feb 17 1981