Poster of Sunnyside


Plot: Ninety-year-old sound artist and comedian Henry “Sandy” Jacobs lives a quirky existence at the end of Sunnyside Drive, a steep and winding dirt road washed by fog from the Pacific Ocean. Sixty feet down the hill lives his eccentric 84-year-old friend and neighbor, architect and former Frank Lloyd Wright collaborator Daniel Liebermann
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Henry JacobsHenry Jacobs
Henry Jacobs may be
>> in Sunnyside
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel LiebermannDaniel Liebermann
Daniel Liebermann may be
>> in Sunnyside
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Frederik CarbonFrederik Carbon
Frederik Carbon may be
>> in Sunnyside
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Katrien VermeireKatrien Vermeire
Katrien Vermeire may be
>> in Sunnyside
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cédric ZoenenCédric Zoenen
Cédric Zoenen may be
>> in Sunnyside
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday