Poster of Unmasking a Killer

Unmasking a Killer

Plot: Is one of America's most prolific uncaught serial killers still alive, and will a new $50,000 reward finally help collar the sadistic criminal? Now known as the Golden State Killer and responsible for at least 12 murders in California, the man investigators have sought for 40 years may be linked to another series of unsolved crimes, raising a key to perhaps solving the case. This is an in-depth look at the manhunt, patterns, escape methods and mind games of the killer
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Paul BelliPaul BelliPaul Belli may be >> in Unmasking a Killer as 'Himself'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bruce CorrellBruce CorrellBruce Correll may be >> in Unmasking a Killer as 'Himself'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James CummingsJames CummingsJames Cummings may be >> in Unmasking a Killer as 'Himself'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Peter SpoerriPeter SpoerriPeter Spoerri may be >> in Unmasking a Killer as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday