Poster of Lost in America

Lost in America

Plot: Following director Rotimi Rainwater, a former homeless youth, as he travels the country to shine a light on the epidemic of youth homelessness in America.
Release Date: Friday, November 15 2019
5 years ago
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Jackie SpeierJackie Speier
Jackie Speier was
69 in Lost in America
as 'Self'.
Sun, May 14 1950


Portrait of Rotimi RainwaterRotimi Rainwater
Rotimi Rainwater was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Director, Writer, Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steven V. Vasquez Jr.Steven V. Vasquez Jr.
Steven V. Vasquez Jr. was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Producer, Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mike C. ManningMike C. Manning
Mike C. Manning was
32 in Lost in America
as 'Producer'
Sun, Apr 12 1987
Portrait of Brent C. JohnsonBrent C. Johnson
Brent C. Johnson was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jorge L. RiveraJorge L. Rivera
Jorge L. Rivera was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James R. WhiteJames R. White
James R. White was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tammy HylerTammy Hyler
Tammy Hyler was
>> in Lost in America
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday