Poster of In the Dusk

In the Dusk

Plot: In The Dusk follows the journey of an elder Shaman (Tangad Borkhuu), who loses her only grandson after curing a dying boy. She is searching for a foal that the Gods tell her is the rebirth of her grandson
Release Date: Tuesday, December 1 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Borkhuu TangadBorkhuu Tangad
Borkhuu Tangad was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Saren'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bao Yin Ni Mu HuBao Yin Ni Mu Hu
Bao Yin Ni Mu Hu was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Batu'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of BayalagBayalag
Bayalag was
25 in In the Dusk
as 'Young Man'.
Wed, May 10 1995


Portrait of Lan ZhuoLan Zhuo
Lan Zhuo was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shuang LiangShuang Liang
Shuang Liang was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joyce Yueyi XingJoyce Yueyi Xing
Joyce Yueyi Xing was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Xueyan HuXueyan Hu
Xueyan Hu was
>> in In the Dusk
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday