Poster of The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That

The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That

Plot: The aging Bohus buries his wife Vlastička and after seven years of abstinence starts drinking again.
Release Date: Thursday, February 6 2014
11 years ago
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Portrait of Bolek PolívkaBolek PolívkaBolek Polívka was 64 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Bohuš Stejskal'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 31 1949
Portrait of Arnošt GoldflamArnošt GoldflamArnošt Goldflam was 67 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Arnošt'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 22 1946
Portrait of Karel HeřmánekKarel HeřmánekKarel Heřmánek was 66 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'JUDr. Zahradník'.
Birthday: Fri, Oct 17 1947 –
Sat, Aug 24 2024
Portrait of Ivana ChýlkováIvana ChýlkováIvana Chýlková was 50 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Dr. Ulrichová'.
Birthday: Fri, Sep 27 1963
Portrait of Jitka ČvančarováJitka ČvančarováJitka Čvančarová was 35 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Rovnerová'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 23 1978
Portrait of Jiří PechaJiří PechaJiří Pecha was 69 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'JUDr. Strážný'.
Birthday: Sun, Nov 12 1944 –
Thu, Feb 28 2019
Portrait of Dagmar Havlová VeškrnováDagmar Havlová VeškrnováDagmar Havlová Veškrnová was 60 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Vlastička'.
Birthday: Sun, Mar 22 1953
Portrait of Miroslav DonutilMiroslav DonutilMiroslav Donutil was 62 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'JUDr. Ulrich'.
Birthday: Wed, Feb 07 1951
Portrait of Karel GottKarel GottKarel Gott was 74 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'sám sebe'.
Birthday: Fri, Jul 14 1939 –
Tue, Oct 01 2019
Portrait of Milan LasicaMilan LasicaMilan Lasica was 74 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'primář'.
Birthday: Sat, Feb 03 1940 –
Sun, Jul 18 2021
Portrait of Anna PolívkováAnna PolívkováAnna Polívková was 34 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Anna, Bohušova dcera'.
Birthday: Sat, Mar 24 1979
Portrait of Jaromír DulavaJaromír DulavaJaromír Dulava was 53 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'číšník'.
Birthday: Sun, Dec 18 1960
Portrait of Marian RodenMarian RodenMarian Roden was 49 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Reisman'.
Birthday: Sun, May 31 1964
Portrait of Ivana UhlířováIvana UhlířováIvana Uhlířová was 33 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Vrchotová'.
Birthday: Wed, Jul 23 1980
Portrait of Robert JaškówRobert JaškówRobert Jašków was 44 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Daněk'.
Birthday: Thu, Dec 04 1969
Portrait of Jan NovotnýJan NovotnýJan Novotný was 60 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Špetka'.
Birthday: Fri, Sep 25 1953
Portrait of Břetislav RychlíkBřetislav RychlíkBřetislav Rychlík was 55 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Břeťa'.
Birthday: Wed, Jul 23 1958
Portrait of Petr ČadekPetr ČadekPetr Čadek was 35 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Vladimír Preclík'.
Birthday: Fri, Dec 29 1978
Portrait of Jan ČenskýJan ČenskýJan Čenský was 52 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'moderátor'.
Birthday: Mon, May 01 1961
Portrait of Vladimíra ErbováVladimíra ErbováVladimíra Erbová was 32 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'moderátorka'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 12 1981
Portrait of Vlastimil HarapesVlastimil HarapesVlastimil Harapes was 67 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'člen poroty'.
Birthday: Wed, Jul 24 1946 –
Wed, May 15 2024
Portrait of Lucie BorhyováLucie BorhyováLucie Borhyová was 35 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'členka poroty'.
Birthday: Sun, Apr 16 1978
Portrait of Robert MiklušRobert MiklušRobert Mikluš was 31 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'jezdec'.
Birthday: Sun, Oct 31 1982
Portrait of Marta RichterováMarta RichterováMarta Richterová was 73 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Irenka'.
Birthday: Tue, Jun 04 1940
Portrait of Ján SedalJán SedalJán Sedal was 65 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Sedal'.
Birthday: Mon, Apr 12 1948 –
Thu, Jan 30 2025
Portrait of Pavel ZatloukalPavel ZatloukalPavel Zatloukal was 70 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Zatloukal'.
Birthday: Wed, Oct 20 1943
Portrait of Michal PavlataMichal PavlataMichal Pavlata was 68 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'MUDr. Pavlata'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 15 1945 –
Sat, Jan 21 2017
Portrait of Rita JasinskáRita JasinskáRita Jasinská was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'sestra v léčebně'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jan OnderJan OnderJan Onder was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'tanečník'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alice StodůlkováAlice StodůlkováAlice Stodůlková was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'tanečnice'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jakub X. BaroJakub X. BaroJakub X. Baro was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'přítel Anny'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Libor OlšanLibor OlšanLibor Olšan was 56 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'jezdec'.
Birthday: Thu, Sep 26 1957 –
Thu, Nov 25 2021
Portrait of Viktor FialaViktor FialaViktor Fiala was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'jezdec'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hana KřížkováHana KřížkováHana Křížková was 56 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Eleonora'.
Birthday: Thu, Aug 15 1957
Portrait of Josef KuhnJosef KuhnJosef Kuhn was 53 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'člen štábu'.
Birthday: Tue, Dec 06 1960
Portrait of Filip ŠtočekFilip ŠtočekFilip Štoček was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'střihač v přenosovém voze'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lukáš HolomekLukáš HolomekLukáš Holomek was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Robert SedláčekRobert SedláčekRobert Sedláček was 40 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Director'
Birthday: Thu, Jun 07 1973
Portrait of Michal KrejčíMichal KrejčíMichal Krejčí was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bolek PolívkaBolek PolívkaBolek Polívka was 64 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sun, Jul 31 1949
Portrait of Matouš OutrataMatouš OutrataMatouš Outrata was 40 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Editor'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 21 1973
Portrait of David RotterDavid RotterDavid Rotter was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Milan BýčekMilan BýčekMilan Býček was 50 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Set Designer'
Birthday: Thu, Feb 28 1963
Portrait of Radim Hladík Jr.Radim Hladík Jr.Radim Hladík Jr. was 42 in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Sound'
Birthday: Sat, May 15 1971
Portrait of David ŠestákDavid ŠestákDavid Šesták was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Makeup & Hair'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tomáš ChludTomáš ChludTomáš Chlud was >> in The Inheritance or You Shouldn't Say That as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday