Poster of Silab


Plot: The theme of the movie "incest" is too delicate that in an unintended chance or situation, father and son Ramil (JV) and Sir Lucio, played by stage actor Bobby Tamayo, taste each other. Director Reyno and co-directors and the entire production are excited because Silab is set to compete in an international film festival in Canada
Release Date: Tuesday, December 22 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of JV CainJV Cain
JV Cain was
>> in Silab
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bobby TamayoBobby Tamayo
Bobby Tamayo was
>> in Silab
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Reyno OposaReyno Oposa
Reyno Oposa was
>> in Silab
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday