Poster of The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.

The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.

Plot: Presents what happens to a neighborhood on the Lower East Side in New York City when a Hollywood film crew takes over the area to film part of The Godfather Part 2. Includes interviews with the residents, film director Francis Ford Coppola, and members of the block association
Release Date: Saturday, October 23 1976
48 years ago
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Portrait of Francis Ford CoppolaFrancis Ford Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola was
37 in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Fri, Apr 07 1939
Portrait of Chico GarcíaChico García
Chico García was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bimbo RivasBimbo Rivas
Bimbo Rivas was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jorge BrandonJorge Brandon
Jorge Brandon was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David CorchadoDavid Corchado
David Corchado was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lyn Tiefenbacher-PentecostLyn Tiefenbacher-Pentecost
Lyn Tiefenbacher-Pentecost was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Self'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Mark KitchellMark Kitchell
Mark Kitchell was
>> in The Godfather Comes to Sixth St.
as 'Producer, Director'
Unknown Birthday