Poster of Y si Adelita

Y si Adelita

Plot: During the beginning of the Mexican Revolution, Adela, a humble girl; is a witness to the rape and kidnapping of her mother by the rebels. This fact forces Adela to hide, escape; and embarking on a lonely path after realizing that a woman's revolution happens inside her
Release Date: Thursday, September 1 2022
2 years ago
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Portrait of Alisson SantiagoAlisson SantiagoAlisson Santiago was 11 in Y si Adelita as 'Adela'.
Birthday: Mon, Mar 21 2011
Portrait of Claudia SantiagoClaudia SantiagoClaudia Santiago was >> in Y si Adelita as 'Isabel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luis Felipe TovarLuis Felipe TovarLuis Felipe Tovar was 60 in Y si Adelita as 'General'.
Birthday: Sun, Dec 31 1961


Portrait of Luz JaimesLuz JaimesLuz Jaimes was >> in Y si Adelita as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday