Poster of Oiteiro


Plot: A nine family community on the northern coast of Paraíba is threatened with an eviction order, in the name of an old textile factory, and they need to organize themselves politically to secure their land rights protected by law. The residents of Oiteiro expose the land conflicts in the region, influenced by a historical period of industrialization which comes from 19th century
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Gustavo AuricchioGustavo AuricchioGustavo Auricchio may be 28+ in Oiteiro as 'Director'
Birthday: Tue, Aug 20 1996
Portrait of Tiago CalazansTiago CalazansTiago Calazans may be >> in Oiteiro as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alice StamatoAlice StamatoAlice Stamato may be >> in Oiteiro as 'Production Controller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Erico SanchesErico SanchesErico Sanches may be >> in Oiteiro as 'Production Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melissa GanahaMelissa GanahaMelissa Ganaha may be >> in Oiteiro as 'Post Production Supervisor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pedro RossiPedro RossiPedro Rossi may be >> in Oiteiro as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday