Poster of The Cosmic Twins

The Cosmic Twins

Plot: The Cosmic Twins (Los Gemelos Cósmicos, in Spanish), an animated short film whose protagonists are inspired by sculptures by the artist Jorge Marín, is a multidisciplinary project that combines music, historical and epic stories through the new tools of the 21st century. This initiative incurs a new artistic language, which turns the level of the figurative into the conceptual, transforming the sculptures into animated puppets as a tribute, on the one hand, to the millenary tradition of the wayang kulit (Asian shadow theatre) that represents Hindu mythology, the Ramayama and the Mahabarata and, on the other, the Popol Vuh, a sacred book of Mayan literature
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Alejandro VoorduinAlejandro Voorduin
Alejandro Voorduin may be
>> in The Cosmic Twins
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday