Poster of A.D.A.M


Plot: In a not too distant future, in the Republic of Chile, the young detective Joyce Nova fulfills her functions in a thin line between law, morality and her particular vision of justice: after having suffered a horrendous crime firsthand and seeing the criminal be protected by the political power in office, her idealization of a just world has become dark and punctual. The closest thing to justice and criminal punishment, for Joyce, will be revenge
Release Date: Thursday, March 5 2020
5 years ago
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Portrait of Alejandra ArayaAlejandra ArayaAlejandra Araya was 30 in A.D.A.M as 'Joyce Nova'.
Birthday: Wed, Dec 27 1989
Portrait of Giordano RossiGiordano RossiGiordano Rossi was 30 in A.D.A.M as 'A.D.A.M.'.
Birthday: Fri, Jun 23 1989
Portrait of Silvia NovakSilvia NovakSilvia Novak was 61 in A.D.A.M
Birthday: Mon, Feb 16 1959


Portrait of David RebolledoDavid RebolledoDavid Rebolledo was >> in A.D.A.M as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pablo RoldanPablo RoldanPablo Roldan was >> in A.D.A.M as 'Script, Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday