Portrait of Wolfgang Lesowsky

Wolfgang Lesowsky

Born: Tue, Oct 13 1942
Birthplace: Wien, Austria

Death: Sat, Nov 13 2010
Wolfgang Lesowsky is 68 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Liligomera: Eine reale Utopie des Otto Mühl
Liligomera: Eine reale Utopie des Otto Mühl
Wolfgang Lesowsky was
46 in Liligomera: Eine reale Utopie des Otto Mühl
as 'Director'.
Thu, Mar 30 1989
Poster of Sterben werd' ich, um zu leben - Gustav Mahler
Sterben werd' ich, um zu leben - Gustav Mahler
Wolfgang Lesowsky was
44 in Sterben werd' ich, um zu leben - Gustav Mahler
as 'Editor, Writer, Director'.
Thu, Jan 01 1987
Poster of Fast ein Hamlet
Fast ein Hamlet
Wolfgang Lesowsky was
27 in Fast ein Hamlet
as 'Director'.
Tue, Jan 20 1970
Poster of Leinen aus Irland
Leinen aus Irland
Wolfgang Lesowsky was
23 in Leinen aus Irland
as 'Production Assistant'.
Tue, Nov 30 1965
Poster of Und das vor der Hochzeit
Und das vor der Hochzeit
Wolfgang Lesowsky was
22 in Und das vor der Hochzeit
as 'Director'.
Thu, Jan 07 1965

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages