Portrait of Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich

Bio: Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian doctor of medicine and psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of analysts after Sigmund Freud. The author of several influential books, most notably Character Analysis (1933), The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933) and The Sexual Revolution (1936), Reich became known as one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry
Born: Wed, Mar 24 1897
Birthplace: Dobzau, Galica, Austria

Death: Sun, Nov 03 1957
Wilhelm Reich is 60 years old
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Poster of The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich would have been no older than 60 in The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich as 'Writer'.
Movie Released: Thu, Jan 17 2013
Poster of ORG
Wilhelm Reich would have been no older than 60 in ORG as 'Thanks'.
Movie Released: Fri, Aug 31 1979

TV Shows (As Crew)

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