Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Once Upon a Texas Train
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Once Upon a Texas Train as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 12 1988

The Trouble with Spies
Warner E. Leighton was ? in The Trouble with Spies as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Fri, Dec 04 1987

Deadline Auto Theft
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Deadline Auto Theft as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Fri, Oct 28 1983

Gone in 60 Seconds
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Gone in 60 Seconds as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Sun, Jul 28 1974

Shootout in a One-Dog Town
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Shootout in a One-Dog Town as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Wed, Jan 09 1974

The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park
Warner E. Leighton was ? in The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Sat, Nov 25 1972

The American Dreamer
Warner E. Leighton was ? in The American Dreamer as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Thu, Apr 01 1971

Shinbone Alley
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Shinbone Alley as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 26 1970

Jack and the Beanstalk
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Jack and the Beanstalk as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Sun, Feb 26 1967

Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! as 'Editor'.Movie Released: Wed, Jun 03 1964

Affair in Havana
Warner E. Leighton was ? in Affair in Havana as 'Sound Editor'.Movie Released: Tue, Oct 01 1957
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages