Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
In the middle of America
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in In the middle of America as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Thu, Sep 01 1983

Reporting on the covering America
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Reporting on the covering America as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Fri, Aug 06 1982

Salt of the earth US
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Salt of the earth US as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Sun, Nov 01 1981

America of the seventies. Gateway to the South
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. Gateway to the South as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Tue, Sep 01 1981

America of the seventies. Where do Los Angeles roads lead?
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. Where do Los Angeles roads lead? as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Sat, Sep 01 1979

Las Vegas by day and night
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Las Vegas by day and night as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 01 1979

America of the seventies. Pittsburgh Steel and Gold
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. Pittsburgh Steel and Gold as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Fri, Sep 01 1978

America of the seventies. Dallas Mysteries
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. Dallas Mysteries as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Tue, Aug 01 1978

America of the seventies. San Francisco hills
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. San Francisco hills as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Wed, Dec 01 1976

America of the seventies. On the banks of the Mississippi
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. On the banks of the Mississippi as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Fri, Oct 01 1976

America of the seventies. Two New York City
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in America of the seventies. Two New York City as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Wed, Sep 01 1976

Америка семидесятых. Город на Потомаке
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Америка семидесятых. Город на Потомаке as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Tue, Oct 01 1974

Америка семидесятых. Калифорния сегодня
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Америка семидесятых. Калифорния сегодня as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Sun, Sep 01 1974

Америка семидесятых. Дымы над Чикаго
Vitaliy Dolina was ? in Америка семидесятых. Дымы над Чикаго as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Tue, Sep 01 1970
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages