Portrait of Vanessa Springora

Vanessa Springora

Bio: Vanessa Springora is a French editor, writer and filmmaker. In her book" Le Consentement" , published by Grasset on January 2, 2020, she describes, by designating it by her own initials the influence that the writer Gabriel Matzneff had over her during their relationship
Born: Thu, Mar 16 1972
Birthplace: Paris, France
Vanessa Springora is 52 years old
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Poster of Consent
Vanessa Springora was
51 in Consent
as 'Author'.
Wed, Oct 11 2023
Poster of L'affaire Matzneff
L'affaire Matzneff
Vanessa Springora was
47 in L'affaire Matzneff
as 'Writer'.
Sun, Jan 05 2020

TV Shows (As Crew)

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