Portrait of Teoman


Bio: Fazlı Teoman Yakupoğlu (born 20 November 1967) is a Turkish acoustic rock singer and songwriter. His biggest hits include Paramparça, Senden Önce Senden Sonra, 17 and Papatya
Born: Mon, Nov 20 1967
Birthplace: İstanbul, Türkiye
Teoman is 57 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Sevda Mecburi İstikamet
Sevda Mecburi İstikamet
Teoman was
55 in Sevda Mecburi İstikamet
as 'Music'.
Fri, Jan 06 2023
Poster of Balans ve Manevra
Balans ve Manevra
Teoman was
37 in Balans ve Manevra
as 'Writer, Director'.
Fri, Mar 11 2005

TV Shows (As Crew)

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