Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateSportLotto - 82
Sergei Poluyanov was
58 in SportLotto - 82
as 'Director of Photography'.
Sun, Jun 06 1982
For the Matches
Sergei Poluyanov was
56 in For the Matches
as 'Director of Photography'.
Sun, Oct 12 1980
Incognito from St.Petersburg
Sergei Poluyanov was
54 in Incognito from St.Petersburg
as 'Director of Photography'.
Mon, Jul 17 1978
Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
Sergei Poluyanov was
49 in Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
as 'Director of Photography'.
Mon, Sep 17 1973
There Was an Old Couple
Sergei Poluyanov was
41 in There Was an Old Couple
as 'Camera Operator'.
Tue, May 11 1965
Жизнь прошла мимо
Sergei Poluyanov was
35 in Жизнь прошла мимо
as 'Director of Photography'.
Tue, Apr 14 1959
The Wrestler and the Clown
Sergei Poluyanov was
33 in The Wrestler and the Clown
as 'Director of Photography'.
Mon, Dec 09 1957
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages