Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Sebastião Leme, o Fotógrafo Inventor
Raissa Guinda was ? in Sebastião Leme, o Fotógrafo Inventor as 'Costume Design'.Movie Released: Sun, Mar 24 2024

Raissa Guinda will be 0+ in Schadenfreude as 'Art Direction, Costume Design'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Jornada do Louco
Raissa Guinda will be 0+ in Jornada do Louco as 'Director, Writer'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Neo_m - Ponto Sem Retorno
Raissa Guinda will be 0+ in Neo_m - Ponto Sem Retorno as 'Art Direction, Costume Design'.Movie Released: Unreleased

O Assassinato de Pé de Veludo
Raissa Guinda will be 0+ in O Assassinato de Pé de Veludo as 'Costume Design'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Gilson de Souza
Raissa Guinda will be 0+ in Gilson de Souza as 'Art Direction, Costume Design'.Movie Released: Unreleased
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages