Portrait of Nicolas Pereira

Nicolas Pereira

Bio: Born on August 24, 1997, in Aubervilliers, France, Nicolas Pereira developed a passion for the arts at a young age, encompassing cinema, painting, and writing. In 2016, he pursued a year of studies in film and television direction at a film school
Born: Sun, Aug 24 1997
Birthplace: Aubervilliers - France
Nicolas Pereira is 27 years old
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Poster of KA.VAL
Nicolas Pereira will be 27+ in KA.VAL as 'Director of Photography, Director, Color Grading, Sound Designer, Sound Editor, Producer, Editor, VFX Artist'.
Movie Released: Unreleased
Poster of AD LOVE
Nicolas Pereira will be 27+ in AD LOVE as 'Director, Director of Photography, Writer, Producer, Editor, VFX Artist, Sound Editor'.
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages