Portrait of Mohamad yaraghi

Mohamad yaraghi

Bio: Mohamad Yaraghi (born on July 18, 1998, Tehran, Iran) is a writer, director, and actor of cinema and theater from Iran. His professional activity in the field of cinema began with the writing and directing of the short film 'They Won't Remember You' in 2019
Born: Sat, Jul 18 1998
Birthplace: Tehran, Iran
Mohamad yaraghi is 26 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of FEE
Mohamad yaraghi will be 26+ in FEE as 'Producer'.
Movie Released: Unreleased
Poster of Un Parallel World
Un Parallel World
Mohamad yaraghi will be 26+ in Un Parallel World as 'Producer, Director, Screenplay'.
Movie Released: Unreleased
Poster of They Won't Remember You
They Won't Remember You
Mohamad yaraghi will be 26+ in They Won't Remember You as 'Producer, Writer, Director'.
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages