Portrait of Karel Poláček

Karel Poláček

Born: Tue, Mar 22 1892
Death: Sun, Jan 21 1945
Karel Poláček is 52 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Pan Selichar se osvobodil
Pan Selichar se osvobodil
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Pan Selichar se osvobodil
as 'Short Story'.
Wed, Jan 21 1976
Poster of Dohazovač
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Dohazovač
as 'Short Story'.
Fri, Nov 19 1971
Poster of Hlavní přelíčení
Hlavní přelíčení
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Hlavní přelíčení
as 'Novel'.
Sun, Aug 15 1971
Poster of Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
as 'Novel'.
Fri, Sep 23 1949
Poster of Včera neděle byla
Včera neděle byla
Karel Poláček was
45 in Včera neděle byla
as 'Dialogue'.
Fri, Mar 11 1938
Poster of Here in Kocourkov
Here in Kocourkov
Karel Poláček was
42 in Here in Kocourkov
as 'Story'.
Fri, Nov 23 1934
Poster of Dům na předměstí
Dům na předměstí
Karel Poláček was
41 in Dům na předměstí
as 'Novel, Screenplay'.
Fri, Oct 20 1933
Poster of Conversion of Ferdys Pistora
Conversion of Ferdys Pistora
Karel Poláček was
39 in Conversion of Ferdys Pistora
as 'Screenplay'.
Mon, Jan 11 1932
Poster of Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
Karel Poláček was
39 in Naceradec, King of Kibitzer
as 'Book, Screenplay'.
Thu, Dec 31 1931
Poster of Men on the Offsides
Men on the Offsides
Karel Poláček was
39 in Men on the Offsides
as 'Novel'.
Fri, Sep 11 1931

TV Shows (As Crew)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Bylo nás pět
Bylo nás pět
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Bylo nás pět
as 'Creator'.
First Air Date
Mon, Jan 09 1995
Poster of Z deníku žáka III.B aneb Edudant a Francimor
Z deníku žáka III.B aneb Edudant a Francimor
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Z deníku žáka III.B aneb Edudant a Francimor
as 'Book'.
First Air Date
Thu, Dec 30 1993
Poster of Uctivá poklona, pane Kohn
Uctivá poklona, pane Kohn
Karel Poláček would have been no older than
52 in Uctivá poklona, pane Kohn
as 'Book, Creator'.
First Air Date
Wed, Jan 01 1992