Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
The Bugs Bunny Mother's Day Special
James Davis was 77 in The Bugs Bunny Mother's Day Special as 'Director'.Movie Released: Sat, May 12 1979

Bugs Bunny's Valentine
James Davis was 77 in Bugs Bunny's Valentine as 'Director'.Movie Released: Wed, Feb 14 1979

How Bugs Bunny Won the West
James Davis was 77 in How Bugs Bunny Won the West as 'Animation Director'.Movie Released: Wed, Nov 15 1978

The Lord of the Rings
James Davis was 77 in The Lord of the Rings as 'Key Animation'.Movie Released: Wed, Nov 15 1978

Bugged by a Bee
James Davis was 67 in Bugged by a Bee as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Sat, Jul 26 1969

Shamrock and Roll
James Davis was 67 in Shamrock and Roll as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 27 1969

Rabbit Stew and Rabbits Too!
James Davis was 67 in Rabbit Stew and Rabbits Too! as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 06 1969

The Great Carrot-Train Robbery
James Davis was 67 in The Great Carrot-Train Robbery as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Fri, Jan 24 1969

Bunny and Claude: We Rob Carrot Patches
James Davis was 67 in Bunny and Claude: We Rob Carrot Patches as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Fri, Nov 08 1968

Jack and the Beanstalk
James Davis was 65 in Jack and the Beanstalk as 'Animation'.Movie Released: Sun, Feb 26 1967
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages