Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
...And Suddenly the Dawn
Graciela Maglie was 74 in ...And Suddenly the Dawn as 'Other'.Movie Released: Thu, Apr 12 2018

Eva from the Argentina
Graciela Maglie was 67 in Eva from the Argentina as 'Writer'.Movie Released: Thu, Oct 20 2011

Alicia y John, el Peronismo Olvidado
Graciela Maglie was 65 in Alicia y John, el Peronismo Olvidado as 'Writer'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 12 2009

Norma Arrostito, la Gaby
Graciela Maglie was 64 in Norma Arrostito, la Gaby as 'Writer'.Movie Released: Sat, Dec 27 2008

An Argentinian in New York
Graciela Maglie was 54 in An Argentinian in New York as 'Writer'.Movie Released: Thu, May 21 1998

A Wall of Silence
Graciela Maglie was 49 in A Wall of Silence as 'Writer'.Movie Released: Thu, Jun 10 1993
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages