Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
The Burgomaster of Stilemonde
George Woods-Taylor was ? in The Burgomaster of Stilemonde as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Mon, May 20 1929

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Malakand, Kapurthala and Dehra Dun
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Malakand, Kapurthala and Dehra Dun as 'Director, Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Sun, Oct 01 1922

Through India and Burma with HRH the Prince of Wales
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Through India and Burma with HRH the Prince of Wales as 'Cinematography'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 30 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior and Delhi
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior and Delhi as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Wed, Feb 01 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Madras, Bangalore, Mysore and Hyderabad
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Madras, Bangalore, Mysore and Hyderabad as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Fri, Jan 13 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Bikaner, Lucknow, Benares, Nepal and Great Tiger Shoot
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Bikaner, Lucknow, Benares, Nepal and Great Tiger Shoot as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Tue, Jan 10 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Peshawar, The Khyber Pass and Rawl Pindi
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Peshawar, The Khyber Pass and Rawl Pindi as 'Director, Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Tue, Jan 10 1922

Our Greatest Ambassador
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Our Greatest Ambassador as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Tue, Jan 10 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Bombay, Poona, Baroda, Jodhpur and Bikaner
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Bombay, Poona, Baroda, Jodhpur and Bikaner as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Tue, Jan 10 1922

Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Calcutta and Delhi
George Woods-Taylor was ? in Edward Prince of Wales' Tour of India: Calcutta and Delhi as 'Director of Photography, Director'.Movie Released: Thu, Dec 01 1921
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages