Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
El mundo que inventamos
Eber Lobato was ? in El mundo que inventamos as 'Choreographer'.Movie Released: Thu, Feb 22 1973

Olga, la hija de aquella princesa rusa
Eber Lobato was ? in Olga, la hija de aquella princesa rusa as 'Original Music Composer'.Movie Released: Thu, Aug 03 1972

Scream of the Butterfly
Eber Lobato was ? in Scream of the Butterfly as 'Director, Choreographer'.Movie Released: Wed, Dec 15 1965

Mientras haya un circo
Eber Lobato was ? in Mientras haya un circo as 'Music'.Movie Released: Thu, Sep 11 1958

Venga a bailar el rock
Eber Lobato was ? in Venga a bailar el rock as 'Music, Choreographer'.Movie Released: Thu, Aug 29 1957
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages