Portrait of David Matthews

David Matthews

Bio: David Matthews (born 9 March 1943) is a British music composer of mainly orchestral, chamber, vocal and piano works. In the mid 1970s, he collaborated with Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe on his music theatre piece Rites of Passage for the opening of the Sydney Opera House as well as on three film music scores
Born: Tue, Mar 09 1943
Birthplace: Walthamstow, London, England, UK
David Matthews is 81 years old
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Poster of Listen
David Matthews was
65 in Listen
as 'Sound Mixer, Sound Designer'.
Thu, Jan 01 2009
Poster of Garbo
David Matthews was
62 in Garbo
as 'Orchestrator'.
Sun, Jul 17 2005

TV Shows (As Crew)

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