Portrait of Conrad Rooks

Conrad Rooks

Bio: Conrad Rooks was an American writer, actor, film director and producer most well-known for "Chappaqua", a semi-autobiographical exploration of the perils of drug addiction, the agony of withdrawal, and the author's journey to Europe and success with the aforementioned "sleeping cure. "
Born: Sat, Dec 15 1934
Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Death: Tue, Dec 27 2011
Conrad Rooks is 77 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Siddhartha
Conrad Rooks was
37 in Siddhartha
as 'Director, Producer, Screenplay'.
Tue, Aug 01 1972
Poster of Chappaqua
Conrad Rooks was
31 in Chappaqua
as 'Director, Producer, Writer'.
Tue, Aug 30 1966

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages