Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Bob Anderson was 81 in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King as 'Stunt Coordinator'.Movie Released: Wed, Dec 17 2003

A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Bob Anderson was 78 in A.I. Artificial Intelligence as 'Grip'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 29 2001

Highlander: Counterfeit
Bob Anderson was 71 in Highlander: Counterfeit as 'Armorer'.Movie Released: Mon, May 16 1994

Highlander: Unholy Alliance
Bob Anderson was 71 in Highlander: Unholy Alliance as 'Armorer'.Movie Released: Mon, Feb 21 1994

Return of the Jedi
Bob Anderson was 60 in Return of the Jedi as 'Stunts'.Movie Released: Wed, May 25 1983

The Empire Strikes Back
Bob Anderson was 57 in The Empire Strikes Back as 'Stunts'.Movie Released: Tue, May 20 1980
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages