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Andreas Wilcke
: Unknown birthdate.
Andreas Wilcke is
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The Voice of the People
Andreas Wilcke was
in The Voice of the People
as 'Director'.
Movie Released:
Fri, May 27 2022
Does all this make any sense? And if so - why does it take so long?
Andreas Wilcke was
in Does all this make any sense? And if so - why does it take so long?
as 'Director, Writer'.
Movie Released:
Thu, May 16 2019
Die Stadt als Beute
Andreas Wilcke was
in Die Stadt als Beute
as 'Director, Director of Photography, Screenplay'.
Movie Released:
Thu, Sep 08 2016
Wem gehört die Stadt - Bürger in Bewegung
Andreas Wilcke was
in Wem gehört die Stadt - Bürger in Bewegung
as 'Director'.
Movie Released:
Wed, Aug 24 2016
TV Shows (As Crew)
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
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