Portrait of Alo Mattiisen

Alo Mattiisen

Bio: Alo Mattiisen (April 22, 1961 – May 30, 1996) was an Estonian musician and composer. One of the most famous melodies that he composed was a patriotic song titled "No land is alone", with lyrics written by the Estonian poet Jüri Leesment
Born: Sat, Apr 22 1961
Death: Thu, May 30 1996
Alo Mattiisen is 35 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of The Estonian Game
The Estonian Game
Alo Mattiisen was
32 in The Estonian Game
as 'Music'.
Sat, Sep 18 1993
Poster of Come Back, Lumumba
Come Back, Lumumba
Alo Mattiisen was
31 in Come Back, Lumumba
as 'Music'.
Wed, Aug 12 1992
Poster of The Flirt
The Flirt
Alo Mattiisen was
28 in The Flirt
as 'Music'.
Mon, Jan 01 1990
Poster of Two
Alo Mattiisen was
25 in Two
as 'Music'.
Thu, Jan 01 1987

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages