![Yoichi Funaki Portrait of Yoichi Funaki](http://en.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date![Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies Poster of Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/LzZmZnFnd3djTkN1TVRhVko2ZUpXeDVqVEFDYi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies
Yoichi Funaki was
34 in Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies
Sat, Dec 10 1966
![Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy Poster of Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L2V6cVdRTDBVV0h6VDZNRTFUYnJyeDNrUFdJTi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy
Yoichi Funaki was
34 in Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy
Wed, Nov 09 1966
![Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan Poster of Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L0FzUWVmTlJvWVVET0RDNTFsQnZKU1VuMFdkQS5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan
Yoichi Funaki was
33 in Sleepy Eyes of Death 6: Sword of Satan
Fri, Apr 30 1965
![Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire Poster of Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L3lGSjYyMkZUMWxqSXlFdWZzVHN4QmRDMFJPdC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire
Yoichi Funaki was
33 in Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire
Tue, Jan 12 1965
![Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection Poster of Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L25ZQXI0UW43WkltVlpTNk5Dd1dVSlNPVVRaNi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection
Yoichi Funaki was
31 in Shinobi no Mono 3: Resurrection
Sat, Dec 28 1963
![Shinsengumi Chronicles Poster of Shinsengumi Chronicles](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/Lzhvb3YyYk9ZcG1QUGZ6aWl2UVR3V0laSEJ1dy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Shinsengumi Chronicles
Yoichi Funaki was
31 in Shinsengumi Chronicles
as 'Kichimaro Kitazoe'.
Thu, Jan 03 1963
![Jirocho Fuji 2: The Chivalrous Poster of Jirocho Fuji 2: The Chivalrous](http://en.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Jirocho Fuji 2: The Chivalrous
Yoichi Funaki was
28 in Jirocho Fuji 2: The Chivalrous
Wed, Jun 01 1960
![Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord Poster of Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L2pkZUU4ZnJZV3dmNHQwUmR0eHoxazFYU0p5dC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord
Yoichi Funaki was
27 in Sudden Attack of the Christian Lord
Sun, Jul 12 1959
![Travels of Lord Mito Poster of Travels of Lord Mito](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L3hJZG5XTXp2TXVOMlJudjR1ZnlmUGxjQXVFQi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Travels of Lord Mito
Yoichi Funaki was
26 in Travels of Lord Mito
as 'Bizen'nokami Katakura'.
Sun, Dec 21 1958
![Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion Poster of Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion](http://en.actoragecheck.com/image/L29XVGtSZkVxQURFck8zRmw2OXVYNzU3R2NIMS5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
Yoichi Funaki was
26 in Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
Wed, Oct 01 1958
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages