Portrait of Yasunari Kawabata

Yasunari Kawabata

Bio: Yasunari Kawabata was a Japanese novelist and short story writer whose spare, lyrical, subtly-shaded prose works won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968, the first Japanese author to receive the award.
Born: Wed, Jun 14 1899
Birthplace: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

Death: Sun, Apr 16 1972
Yasunari Kawabata is 72 years old
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Poster of The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima
The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima
Yasunari Kawabata would have been no older than
72 in The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima
as 'Self'.
Tue, Dec 03 1985
Poster of Around Mr. Yasunari Kawabata
Around Mr. Yasunari Kawabata
Yasunari Kawabata was
69 in Around Mr. Yasunari Kawabata
Wed, Dec 11 1968

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages