Portrait of Yasuko Ichinose

Yasuko Ichinose

Born: Thu, Jun 11 1959
Yasuko Ichinose is 65 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Close Your Eyes and Hold Me
Close Your Eyes and Hold Me
Yasuko Ichinose was
37 in Close Your Eyes and Hold Me
as 'Itsuko'.
Sat, Jul 13 1996
Poster of The Wicked Reporter 2: The Rebirth of Horserace Betting
The Wicked Reporter 2: The Rebirth of Horserace Betting
Yasuko Ichinose was
35 in The Wicked Reporter 2: The Rebirth of Horserace Betting
Sat, Nov 19 1994
Poster of Wet Heart ~Lesbian Murder Case
Wet Heart ~Lesbian Murder Case
Yasuko Ichinose was
21 in Wet Heart ~Lesbian Murder Case
Sat, Apr 18 1981
Poster of Strike the White Ball
Strike the White Ball
Yasuko Ichinose was
20 in Strike the White Ball
Sat, Feb 16 1980
Poster of Island of Hell
Island of Hell
Yasuko Ichinose was
18 in Island of Hell
as 'Hanako Kito'.
Sat, Aug 27 1977

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages