Portrait of William Hjortsberg

William Hjortsberg

Bio: William Reinhold "Gatz" Hjortsberg was an American novelist and screenwriter, known for his originality and for writing the screenplay of the film Legend. His novel Falling Angel was the basis for the film Angel Heart (1987)
Born: Sun, Feb 23 1941
Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA

Death: Sat, Apr 22 2017
William Hjortsberg is 76 years old
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Poster of Creating a Myth... the Memories of 'Legend'
Creating a Myth... the Memories of 'Legend'
William Hjortsberg was
61 in Creating a Myth... the Memories of 'Legend'
as 'Himself'.
Tue, May 21 2002

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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