Portrait of Willem Wilmink

Willem Wilmink

Bio: Willem Wilmink was a Dutch poet and writer. He was best known for the large number of songs he wrote for popular children programs and his poetry
Born: Sun, Oct 25 1936
Birthplace: Enschede, Netherlands

Death: Sat, Aug 02 2003
Willem Wilmink is 66 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Willem Wilmink: Dichter in de Javastraat
Willem Wilmink: Dichter in de Javastraat
Willem Wilmink would have been no older than
66 in Willem Wilmink: Dichter in de Javastraat
Wed, Dec 31 2008
Poster of Muziek: Harry Bannink
Muziek: Harry Bannink
Willem Wilmink was
63 in Muziek: Harry Bannink
Sat, Jan 01 2000

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages