Portrait of Rika Hopper

Rika Hopper

Bio: Henderika Ellina Hopper (1877 - 1964), known as Rika Hopper, was a Dutch actress. She was considered one of the 'Grandes Dames' of Dutch theater during the first half of the twentieth century
Born: Wed, Oct 24 1877
Birthplace: Assen, Drenthe, Netherlands

Death: Wed, Jan 01 1964
Rika Hopper is 86 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Cesare
Rika Hopper was
80 in Cesare
as 'Mother Cesare'.
Wed, Feb 12 1958
Poster of The Tars
The Tars
Rika Hopper was
56 in The Tars
as 'Moeder van Toon'.
Fri, Feb 09 1934
Poster of Pro Domo
Pro Domo
Rika Hopper was
40 in Pro Domo
Sat, Sep 21 1918

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages