Portrait of Raymond Legault

Raymond Legault

Born: Tue, Nov 17 1953
Raymond Legault is 71 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Rafales
Raymond Legault was
36 in Rafales
as 'Pierre Lussier'.
Tue, Sep 04 1990
Poster of Bach and Broccoli
Bach and Broccoli
Raymond Legault was
32 in Bach and Broccoli
as 'Jean-Claude'.
Fri, Nov 07 1986

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Avec un grand A
Avec un grand A
Raymond Legault was
32+ in Avec un grand A
as 'Pierre'.
First Air Date
Wed, Feb 19 1986
Poster of À plein temps
À plein temps
Raymond Legault was
30+ in À plein temps
as '(voice)'.
First Air Date
Fri, Sep 21 1984
Poster of Terre humaine
Terre humaine
Raymond Legault was
24+ in Terre humaine
as 'Jean-François Jacquemin'.
First Air Date
Mon, Sep 18 1978