Portrait of Paquita Torres

Paquita Torres

Born: Thu, Apr 22 1948
Birthplace: Bailén, Jaén, Analucía, Spai
Paquita Torres is 76 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Susana
Paquita Torres was
21 in Susana
as 'Rosa'.
Tue, Aug 19 1969
Poster of Mi marido y sus complejos
Mi marido y sus complejos
Paquita Torres was
21 in Mi marido y sus complejos
as 'Modelo fotográfica'.
Tue, May 27 1969
Poster of Objetivo: BI-KI-NI
Objetivo: BI-KI-NI
Paquita Torres was
20 in Objetivo: BI-KI-NI
as 'Falsa enfermera'.
Sat, Dec 28 1968
Poster of Los que tocan el piano
Los que tocan el piano
Paquita Torres was
20 in Los que tocan el piano
as 'Enfermera'.
Fri, Aug 23 1968

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages