Portrait of Michal Muchtar

Michal Muchtar

Born: Thu, Jun 25 1981
Birthplace: Petah Tikva, Israel
Michal Muchtar is 43 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Yuval Hamebulbal Wishing Star
Yuval Hamebulbal Wishing Star
Michal Muchtar was
32 in Yuval Hamebulbal Wishing Star
as 'מיקי'.
Mon, Nov 04 2013
Poster of גיבורי האור
גיבורי האור
Michal Muchtar was
30 in גיבורי האור
as 'Herself'.
Wed, Dec 21 2011
Poster of יובל המבולבל - כוכב המשאלות
יובל המבולבל - כוכב המשאלות
Michal Muchtar will be
43+ in יובל המבולבל - כוכב המשאלות
Poster of motek shel mishpaha
motek shel mishpaha
Michal Muchtar will be
43+ in motek shel mishpaha
as 'מיקי'.
Poster of motek be eretz hayeladim
motek be eretz hayeladim
Michal Muchtar will be
43+ in motek be eretz hayeladim
as 'מיקי'.
Poster of Hagada Shel Kohavim
Hagada Shel Kohavim
Michal Muchtar will be
43+ in Hagada Shel Kohavim
as 'מיקי'.

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Kofiko
Michal Muchtar was
12+ in Kofiko
as 'Kofiko (voice)'.
First Air Date
Sun, Aug 01 1993