Portrait of Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw

Bio: Michael Shaw's television credits include the first two seasons of the critically acclaimed AMC series "LODGE 49,"  the first two seasons of the hit series "BILLIONS" for Showtime, the first three seasons of “ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK” for Netflix, and the first three seasons of “THE BIG C” staring Laura Linney for Showtime, as well as over 75 commercials and music videos. His impressive feature film design credits include the award-winning “Boys Don’t Cry,” for which Hilary Swank won her first Oscar; “You Can Count on Me,” starring Laura Linney and Mark Ruffalo; “A Home at the End of the World,” based on Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Cunningham’s book starring Colin Farrell and Robin Wright; “August Rush,” with Robin Williams and Freddy Highmore; and "Copout,” staring Bruce Willis
Born: Unknown birthdate.
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Poster of The Slippers
The Slippers
Michael Shaw was ? in The Slippers
Movie Released: Fri, Mar 11 2016

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