Portrait of Luís Gongra

Luís Gongra

Bio: Film student at the Federal University of São Carlos (2020-Current). Has participated in some short films over the years, being a script supervisor in Delavê (2024) and Sono Cedo (2024), director and screenwriter in Quarto 111 (2023) and director of Rebobine (2024)
Born: Mon, May 14 2001
Birthplace: Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil
Luís Gongra is 23 years old
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Poster of Quarto 111
Quarto 111
Luís Gongra was 21 in Quarto 111 as 'Dono do hotel / Figura'.
Movie Released: Wed, May 10 2023

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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