Portrait of Louis Calaferte

Louis Calaferte

Bio: Louis Calaferte (14 July 1928 - 2 May 1994) was an Italian-born French naturalized novelist. He was born in Turin, Italy, but emigrated to France with his parents when he was very young, settling in a Lyon suburb where he spent the majority of his childhood and adolescence
Born: Sat, Jul 14 1928
Birthplace: Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Death: Mon, May 02 1994
Louis Calaferte is 65 years old
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Poster of Lire
Louis Calaferte was
58 in Lire
as 'Self'.
Sun, Dec 07 1986

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Apostrophes
Louis Calaferte was
46+ in Apostrophes
as 'Self'.
First Air Date
Fri, Jan 10 1975