Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateJapanese Pornography: Kawachi's Erotic Widows
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Japanese Pornography: Kawachi's Erotic Widows
Sun, Nov 19 1978
Tōkyō neon chitai: Josei jishin de go shidō itashimasu
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Tōkyō neon chitai: Josei jishin de go shidō itashimasu
Sat, Nov 12 1977
Secret Chronicle: Prostitute Sacrifice
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Secret Chronicle: Prostitute Sacrifice
as 'Okyo'.
Mon, Jul 18 1977
Semi-Document: Delinquent High School Girl
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Semi-Document: Delinquent High School Girl
Sat, Sep 25 1976
In the Realm of the Senses
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in In the Realm of the Senses
as 'Mitsuwa Geisha'.
Wed, Sep 15 1976
Cruel Bondage Picture Legend
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Cruel Bondage Picture Legend
as 'Prostitute'.
Sun, Aug 01 1976
Semi-dokyumento: Chikan no susume
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Semi-dokyumento: Chikan no susume
Wed, Jul 07 1976
Joshidairyô maruhi repôto: Hoshi garu toshigoro
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Joshidairyô maruhi repôto: Hoshi garu toshigoro
Sat, Jun 12 1976
Document porno: Joshidaisei ryô maruhi report
Kiyomi Yasuda was
? in Document porno: Joshidaisei ryô maruhi report
Sat, Dec 06 1975
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages