Portrait of Juliet Cariaga

Juliet Cariaga

Born: Mon, Dec 05 1977
Juliet Cariaga is 47 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of The Lusty Busty Babe-A-Que
The Lusty Busty Babe-A-Que
Juliet Cariaga was
30 in The Lusty Busty Babe-A-Que
Fri, Feb 01 2008
Poster of The Bare Wench Project 5: The Final Chapter
The Bare Wench Project 5: The Final Chapter
Juliet Cariaga was
27 in The Bare Wench Project 5: The Final Chapter
as 'Juliet'.
Sat, Jan 01 2005
Poster of Stuck on You
Stuck on You
Juliet Cariaga was
26 in Stuck on You
as 'Marianna Trench'.
Wed, Dec 10 2003
Poster of The Bare Wench Project 4: Uncensored
The Bare Wench Project 4: Uncensored
Juliet Cariaga was
25 in The Bare Wench Project 4: Uncensored
as 'Juliet'.
Fri, Jan 10 2003
Poster of Watchful Eye
Watchful Eye
Juliet Cariaga was
24 in Watchful Eye
as 'Dawn (uncredited)'.
Thu, May 16 2002
Poster of The Bare Wench Project 2: Scared Topless
The Bare Wench Project 2: Scared Topless
Juliet Cariaga was
23 in The Bare Wench Project 2: Scared Topless
as 'Juliet'.
Mon, Jan 01 2001
Poster of Penthouse: Harlots of Hell
Penthouse: Harlots of Hell
Juliet Cariaga was
22 in Penthouse: Harlots of Hell
as 'Self'.
Fri, Sep 01 2000

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages