Portrait of John E. Franzén

John E. Franzén

Bio: John E Franzén is one of the most renowned contemporary artists in Sweden. He studied at The University College of Arts and at the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm in the 60’s, where he later taught painting as professor for seven years
Born: Tue, Jun 30 1942
Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden
John E. Franzén is 82 years old
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Poster of Ett porträtt av John E. Franzén
Ett porträtt av John E. Franzén
John E. Franzén was 43 in Ett porträtt av John E. Franzén as 'the artist'.
Movie Released: Thu, Oct 10 1985
Poster of Konst
John E. Franzén was 38 in Konst
Movie Released: Tue, Sep 16 1980
Poster of Porträttet
John E. Franzén was 34 in Porträttet as 'Self'.
Movie Released: Sat, Jan 01 1977

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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